Sales Conditions

Sales Conditions

E-shop (from now on referred to as web shop) owner is ROSAYA OÜ (register code 14574615), Arulaane, Kalita küla, Saarde vald, Pärnumaa 86206, Estonia

General Conditions

These general conditions apply to the legal relations created by the purchases made from e-shop between e-shop clients and owner company ROSAYA OÜ.

By making a purchase client agrees that they are aware of these conditions.

E-shop leaves themselves a right to make changes to these conditions. These changes will be visible on website.

To all purchases apply the conditions that were active at the time of the purchase.

Rosaya OÜ customer service contact information is: e-mail, phone nr: +372 5359 4334

Ordering and fulfilling orders

Rosaya OÜ takes in orders like this:

  1. Via automatic system through e-shop
  2. Via phone +372 5359 4334
  3. Via email by sending your order to

After receiving the payment, Rosaya OÜ will start fulfilling orders within Estonia in 5 working days and international orders within 10 working days.

Purchase and sale transaction will be completed from the moment the prepayment amount agreed under these purchase conditions presented here will be received on the e-shop’s account. In case the prepayment amount is not received the products will be released back on sale and the order will be canceled.

How to purchase from e-shop

In order to buy a product you must add it to the shopping cart. In order to formalize your order you must fill the demanded data fields and choose a suitable way of delivery for your products. Then you will see the final amount on the screen which you can pay via bank link or by other payment solutions.

Client confirms their order and pays for the entire order via payment environments offered by the seller. Client reassures that the way of delivery and address presented in the order are correct; products, amounts and prices are aligned with clients actual  wishes.

After paying via bank link client must press „back to the Merchant“.

Contract will be activated after the required amount is received on the e-shop account.

If the ordered products are not possible to deliver due to running out of stock or other reasons, the client will be informed as soon as possible and the amount for these products the client has payed will be refunded (including delivery costs) without delay and not later than within 14 days from receiving the information.

After putting together the order the client will receive a bill for it via e-mail. If on the bill there are mistakes (such as unwanted products, amounts etc.) client must immediately contact customer services via e-mail or phone.

Instruction for using the discount coupon

1. Add products to cart.
2. Open the “Shopping Cart” icon at the top right. The entire contents of the shopping cart are then displayed.
3. Enter the promotional coupon code on the shopping cart page.
To receive a discount coupon discount, enter the coupon code in the “Enter discount coupon” box on the shopping cart page and confirm the use of the discount code by clicking the “Use coupon” button. The discount is automatically deducted from the selling price of the products.

Price of product and paying solutions

Prices of products presented in e-shop are in euros and include VAT. Price and information about product are presented in e-shop next to the product.

The prices presented in e-shop in the moment of making the purchase apply to the product. In case the price has changed by  the time of receiving the order, to this order still will apply the price that was presented in the moment of formalization of the order.

Orders outside Baltic States and Finland will be accepted by e-mail and delivery charges will be calculated on a case-by-case basis. Delivery price depends on the location of the client and the way of delivery. 

Client will pay the full amount for the order as an advanced payment in the ways shown in the e-shop. There may be added service fee to the amount of the order accordingly to the contract made between the client and bank or Credit card issuer.

Paying via bank link the payment takes place in MAKSEKESKUS AS safe enviroment with the corresponding bank, credit or debit card.

Rosaya OÜ is a responsible personal data processor. Rosaya OÜ passes the needed personal data for performing payments to authorized processor MAKSEKESKUS AS.

When paying by bill, the bill will be sent to the client via email as a confirmation of the order. Client is obligated to reassure before paying the bill that the data and ordered products on the bill are correct. Deadline for paying the bill is 7 days from the date written on the bill.


Delivery fees over 39.- euros do not apply to orders within Estonia and Latvia.

Deliveries in Estonia  and Latvia will generally reach the destination set by the client within 5-10 working days from the moment the sale contract  is activated. To more distant destinations the delivery is completed within 14 calendar days.

In exceptional cases e-shop has the right to deliver the order within 45 calendar days.

The method of delivery in the Baltic countries is Itella SmartPost, DPD, Omniva, parcel machine and courier service. The method of delivery in Finland is Itella SmartPost, DPD, parcel machine and courier service.
To fill international shipmentse, we use DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT courier service providers.

As soon as the order has arrived to post operator client services, our client will be informed about this via email or text message to phone.

Client is obligated to check before confirming the order that the contact data presented on the order is correct, so misunderstandings and delays in delivery will be avoided. Rosaya OÜ is not responsible for the delays nor misunderstandings in delivering the products in case this has happened due to the inaccurate or incorrect data presented by the client when formulating the order.

In case the products are not delivered in time due to reasons occurring from e-shop , client is informed about this via contact data presented in the order. Then a new time of delivery will be agreed . If an  agreement about new time of delivery will not be achieved the client has the right to abandon the order and the seller will refund the amount paid by the client for the order within 14 days.

When receiving the order client is obligated to check that the products are adequate with the bill-delivery note. Not adequate products (ruined/broken products, products that were not ordered, inappropriate replacement products etc) will be noted on the bill-delivery note that will be in the possession of the seller.

If in the moment of receiving the products it appears that the package includes products that were not ordered, defected, broken etc., client must immediately inform e-shop’s customer service about this. When the products are received via delivery man the products not ordered or damaged must be returned on the spot to the delivery man.

The risk on products being damaged or lost will be taken over by the client from the moment of receiving the order.

Cancelling the order and returning the products

After receiving the order the client has the right the abandon the contract with the e-shop within 14 days. There will not be a right to abandon the contract when the client is a Juridical person.

In order to use the right to abandon the contract the products may not be used in any other way than it is allowed in a physical store.

The returned product must be not opened and preserved in correct temperature. Products appearance and package must be unharmed.

Client has the right to change the products for other products for the same amount in e-shop or demand a refund in the following cases:

-the shelf life of the product is less than 7 days in the moment of receiving the product.

-client discovers foreign bodies in the packages when receiving the order.

All products from e-shop must be preserved in a dry and cool place, after opening in the refrigerator (teas must not be placed in the refrigerator). If the products are preserved in an inadequate way then the products will not be replaced and there will not be a refund made.

If the product is used in any other way than  is allowed in a physical store; if there are any marks of it being used, e-shop has the right to lower the amount of the refund as much as the value of the product has lowered.

In order to return the purchased products client must send a statement to within 14 days from receiving the products.

Delivery cost of returning the products will be paid by the client unless the reason for returning is that the product is inadequate (wrong, defected etc.).

Client must return the products within 14 days from sending the statement or present proof that they have given the product to delivery system within that period.

E-shop will refund all fees paid by contract between client and e-shop to client as soon as possible but not later than within 14 days from receiving the statement.

E-shop has the right to not refund money before they have received the product for what the refund should be made or before the client has presented proof that they have sent the product back, depending on which will happen sooner.

If the client has chosen a delivery option that is different from the cheapest regular delivery option offered by e-hop then e-shop does not have to refund the expenses that exceeds the regular delivery cost.

E-shop has the right to abandon a sale-purchase deal and demand back the product from the client if in e-shop the product price has been marked by mistake significaly below it’s market price.

Processing personal data of client

Rosaya OÜ guarantees that the personal data that clients give will be processed only in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act, above all in extent that is needed to fulfill the order.

Rosaya OÜ is responsible processor of personal data. Rosaya OÜ will give necessary personal data to logistic partner for delivering the order and necessary personal data to authorized personal data processor MAKSEKESKUS AS to perform payments.

Rosaya OÜ e-shop will process clients personal data for the following reasons:

1.To fulfill clients order

2. To manage customer relationships and to communicate with clients

3. To reply client’s inquiry

4. Justified interest

5. To study consumer habits

6. To compose sales statistics

7. To manage and develop services e-shop will use all tools (including administrative, technical, physical) to protect clients personal data. Access to change and process data own only authorized persons.

Purchasing as a visitor in e-shop client’s first and last name, e-mail, phone number, post address will be registered.

Client has the right at any time to demand to know about the personal data e-shop has about them, demand to correct or transfer their data and to demand to stop processing their data. We ask that you send your applications to In order to guarantee the protection of personal data your application must be digitally signed. e-shop has the right to not satisfy an application if it is not possible to identify the client or it is not safe to forward personal data. e-shop has the right to perform profile analysis to personal data in order to better understand the expectations of clients and so give better services and products to clients and to steer direct-marketing more precisely. e-shop will not make any legal decisions about the client through profiling.

The right to file a complaint

In case e-shop violates their obligations, the client has the right to demand these obligations to be fulfilled, deny to fulfill their obligations, demand compensation for damage, demand lowering the price, if there is delay in fulfilling financial obligation there is a right to demand fine for delay or abandon the contract. If products are inadequate you can file a statement about this to

In the statement there must be marked clients name and contact information, date of filing the statement, defect of the product, content of the claim and purchase proving Document. e-shop is not responsible for the damage or any other consequences including delay in delivery if this has occurred by the incorrect data the client has presented when formulating the order, if this has occurred due to circumstances that the seller could not affect. e-shop is not responsible for the damage occurred by using the products in an unpurposeful way.

Conflicts between e-shop and client participants will resolve in negotiations.

If an agreement is not achieved client has the right to turn to TARBIJAKAITSEAMET (Pronksi 12, Tallinn 10117, and to committee of consumer disputes( Pronksi 12, Tallinn, 10117, in order to resolve the conflict outside of court or to HARJU MAAKOHUS.

In addition all clients in relations with online merchants can turn to European Union electronical enviroment ODR-platform (Online Dispute Resolution) address for resolving disputes.

Conatct information

Rosaya OÜ

Reg. Nr. 14574615

VAT reg. Nr. EE102104118

Address: Arulaane, Kalita küla, Saarde vald, Pärnumaa 86206, Estonia

Phone nr: +372 5359 4334


Bank information: LHV   EE797700771003293541 SWIFT code/BIC: LHVBEE22

Free shipping in Estonia and Latvia for orders over 49.-