Organic Rose water, 275 ml


Rose water comprising plentiful of antioxidants has been used for thousands of years for boosting health and beauty and now offers you a chance.

Nourish, restore and moisturize with 100% organic rose water inside. Rose water makes one cheerful, happy and lovable.

Rosaya rose water is a multifaceted and universal product so that one could even write a book about it!


  • Slightly anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
  • Renews skin cells and restores skin tissues
  • Pacifying, moisturising, improves your complexion
  • Tightens your skin
  • Decreases pores
  • Enhances skin rejuvenation
  • Restores the protective layer of the skin and hair pH 5.3
  • Calms the central nerve system
  • For all skin types


  • Flatulence
  • Indigestion
  • Painful and sore throat
  • Mimi wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Rush, allergy
  • Itching, redness
  • Sun-burns, frost bites
  • Scratches, small wounds, scars
  • Electrified hair
  • Melancholy
  • Stress, anxiety, tension
  • Depression
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Extra subtotal:0.00
Total price:24.90



High quality double distillated rose water for improving one’s mood, moisturising the skin and for flavouring food and drinks.

The organic rose water can be added into clean potable water and be used for flavouring lemonade, fresh juice, cocktails, smoothies, ice cream, yoghurt, cream, glazing and desserts, cookies, salads, dressings, stews, oriental or Asian food.

The recommended dose is 1 teaspoonful per 200 ml drinking water. In recipes use in smaller quantities to avoid over-flavouring.

The Rosaya organic rose water can also be used as micellar water for removing makeup and cleansing the face. Add in the bath water, in facial and hair masks or in invigorating compresses to reduce swelling.

Our rose water makes your hair soft and silky and reduces electric charge in your hair. In rooms with central heating and in winter it is an irreplaceable companion.

The best result is achieved when sprayed from a bottle on wet hair or spraying on dry hair during the day.

This big bottle is meant for refilling the 100 ml spray bottle.

Watch a small drone video of a 100-year-old distillery where our Rose Water is made


Rosaya rose water is distilled from the petals of Rose Damascena or the Damascus rose. In order to make one litre of rose water, 1 kg of fresh rose petals are needed. Read HERE in more detail how the highly-valued organic rose water is made.

Content: 100% organic Rosa Damascena P. Miller rose water, comprising rose oil 0.09%, pH 5.3.

No preservatives, colorants and fragrances included.

Allergic reactions possible only in very rare cases if the person is allergic to some natural agent. In such a case stop using it and give the bottle to your friend!

Origin: Bulgaria Rose Valley

Patch nr: T`23 I

Biocert nr: BG-BIO-02.2023.001

Can be stored at room temperature, but best used chilled.

Best before: 21.12.2025


High quality food grade aluminium bottles. Please retain our pretty aluminium rose water bottle. You can obtain a new product from our retailer for 1 Euro cheaper if you have an empty Rosaya rose water bottle. Please read more about the reuse of our packaging HERE!

Let us save nature from excessive waste!


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