The anniversary celebration of the Estonian Song Festival is over, but “Minu arm” lives on in all of us!

rosaya laulupidu

Just as our mothers and fathers are beloved, so is our land and our language. Estonian song festival is born out of love for our country and language. Thanks to this incredible love, the people have become identified as Estonian and this land became the Republic of Estonia. As we celebrate the song festival, we celebrate our mother tongue and our motherland so that we can pass them on to our children and make them everlasting. (Peeter Perens)

This year’s song festival marks the 150th anniversary; over 100,000 people came together and celebrated. Once we sang to our independence, now we gathered from the deepest corners of the country to sing in our mother tongue and of our motherland. The Estonian Song Festival created a mysterious aura where everyone felt, as they became one.  The songs were sung with tears in the eyes and the calmness in souls.  Rosaya team would like to thank all the people who found their way to our tent to get to know our rose products.  Furthermore, it was delightful to meet people who were excited to hear about our rose water. We especially thrilled to see that people could not get enough of learning about our products. This really shows us that we on the right path!

Thank you for participation in the song festival and even bigger thank you for getting to know our products!

If you did not make it to our tent at the song festival, you still have a chance to check out our amazing rose products at

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